Agency3 Communications

You Don’t Need My Voice, You Have Your Own

Okay, so this article is only the second you’re receiving from me, but that fact will not prevent me from sharing my ideas regarding writing successful email newsletters. After all, somebody has to do it.

And, without further ado, we reach the meat of the prose: 8 tips for creating smashing (see British dialect definition at email newsletters. Which will, in turn, boost your readership and make your subscribers sit up and pay attention—at least when they receive your articles.

Tip1: Give your writing a voice. No one wants to read a message chock-full of facts lacking personality. Use conversational language and include personal details without monopolizing the copy or touting yourself. And, don’t be afraid to delve into your sense of humor. If you make people laugh (purposefully, that is), they will be more likely to peruse your work the next time around.

Tip 2: Proofread your text. How many times have you been discouraged by improper grammar or misspelled words? You’re a professional, so be certain your newsletter reflects that trait. When you break those writing rules, know you’re doing it; but, don’t assume you know. Ask a co-worker or two to act as your editors; oftentimes, they will catch the errors you keep overlokking. Oops.

Tip 3: Provide relevant and meaningful content as well as clever copy. Your articles, while containing interesting text, should also offer benefits to your readers. Again, using your newsletter for the sole purpose of promoting yourself or your principal’s seminars will not only irritate your subscribers, it will also supply them the fuel they require to unsubscribe.

Tip 4: Speaking of un-subscribing, make sure you offer the choice to your recipients. And, deciding on an “opt-in” basis is also a smart idea. Don’t you get miffed when you receive a newsletter you didn’t sign up for?

Tip 5: More often than not, people scan email messages rather than read them. So, try a format that is easy on the eyes. Include side boxes, columns, lists, and numbers to draw attention to important information and to facilitate quick top-to-bottom perusal. People tend to pay more heed to the beginning of the message than to the end, so include your catch in the headline or in the opening paragraph. If readers don’t comprehend the benefits of the email within the first few seconds, odds are they will delete it without reading the rest of your message.

Tip 6: Incorporate the brand of your company and your website. If your principal is not one for jokes and bright colors, you probably should not begin your newsletter with a blonde jibe and design it purple, green, and yellow. Even though you want to exude character in your message, you do not want to do it at the expense of your company’s image.

Tip 7: Include links to partners and to your own website when appropriate. Some people may not read your newsletter, but they may take the time to surf your site. And, providing them the opportunity to further explore a topic of interest will increase their motivation to open your mail each week, month, quarter.

Tip 8: Which leads me to my next point: be consistent. If you want to send out a newsletter every month, make sure you meet your goal. Readers will grow to expect your messages on a certain schedule and they will become cranky if you do not quench their hunger. (At least I like to dream readers are salivating for my missives.)

Lastly, use your common sense. If your gut tells you not write it, you’re most likely not mistaken. Trust your instincts and your creativity. Perfunctory writing sounds like such, as does a newsletter with heart and drive. Write the words you want to read and others will follow suit.

Marcy J. Savastano